UITP Program İçerik Program Eğitmen Yer Ortaklar Başvuru Pratik Bilgiler from 09:00to 09:30 Welcome & Introduction to the course and Expectation AnalysisOpening 30min. from 09:30to 10:30 from 10:30to 11:00 Current trends and Customer identificationSession 1 60 from 11:00to 12:00 BreakCoffee break 30′ from 12:00to 13:00 Welcome & Introduction to the course and Expectation AnalysisOpening 30min. from 13:00to 14:00 Welcome & Introduction to the course and Expectation AnalysisOpening 30min. from 14:00to 15:00 Welcome & Introduction to the course and Expectation AnalysisOpening 30min. from 15:00to 15:30 Welcome & Introduction to the course and Expectation AnalysisOpening 30min. from 15:30to 16:30 Welcome & Introduction to the course and Expectation AnalysisOpening 30min. from 16:30to 17:30 Welcome & Introduction to the course and Expectation AnalysisOpening 30min.